Guys Brand

Developing a Bold and Simple Brand Concept


Buys Brand is a new men’s skincare and haircare brand that focuses on creating straightforward, simple, and effective products for men. Although the brand and its product line have yet to be officially launched, VasConsulting was tasked with developing a comprehensive brand identity and design concept to position Guys Brand for success in the competitive men’s grooming market.

Services Provided

Our goal was to create a strong visual and strategic foundation that reflects Guys Brand’s mission of providing no-nonsense grooming essentials for the modern man. The brand concept emphasizes simplicity, functionality, and confidence, aligning with the needs of men who want effective grooming solutions without unnecessary complexity.


Though the brand and its products have not yet been officially launched, the branding and design concept developed by VasConsulting has laid a strong foundation for Guys Brand’s future. The clear and consistent visual identity, combined with a well-defined brand strategy, has positioned Guys Brand to enter the market with a cohesive, impactful presence once they are ready to launch.

The packaging and web design concepts provide a blueprint for the brand’s visual communication, ensuring a seamless transition from concept to market-ready products. Early feedback on the brand concept has been positive, with the simple and bold approach resonating with the target audience.


VasConsulting’s branding and design concept services have successfully set the stage for the future launch of Guys Brand. By developing a strong, cohesive brand identity and design strategy, we have provided Guys Brand with the tools they need to confidently enter the market when the time comes, offering men a straightforward, effective approach to grooming.

Our A+ Content Design Process

Initial Consultation

We begin with a thorough understanding of your brand and product, discussing goals and requirements.

Content Development

Our team creates compelling copy and designs that highlight your product’s features, benefits, and unique selling points.

Review & Refinement

We collaborate with you to review the content, making adjustments based on your feedback to ensure it meets your vision.

Finalization & Launch

Once approved, we finalize the content and guide you through the process of integrating it into your Amazon listings for maximum impact.


More Case Studies


Learn how VasConsulting enhanced Move38’s Troxes’ brand communication by designing a compelling media kit, ensuring consistent messaging and a polished presentation across all platforms.


Explore how VasConsulting transformed Kapuluan’s product listings by crafting engaging Amazon A+ Content, enhancing customer experience, and driving increased visibility and sales for their Raw Coconut Oil Jar.

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