Secret Beauty Club

Transforming Product Packaging and Marketing Materials for Retail Success


Secret Beauty Club, a brand dedicated to offering natural and organic beauty products, sought a comprehensive branding update as it prepared to enter major retail stores. The objective was not only to redesign product packaging but also to create marketing materials that would resonate with customers both in-store and at events. VasConsulting was tasked with delivering a vibrant, fresh packaging design and developing a promotional pamphlet to showcase the brand’s offerings.

Services Provided

The redesigned product packaging focuses on a colorful, botanical theme that highlights the natural ingredients and emphasizes product benefits. Additionally, a pamphlet was created to introduce the product line at customer touchpoints, featuring a QR code that encourages sign-ups for the Secret Beauty Club membership program. The results speak for themselves: a 40% increase in online sales and enthusiastic customer reception to the new branding.


The product packaging and pamphlet redesigns have driven substantial growth for Secret Beauty Club. The vibrant, botanical packaging has been well-received by customers, both online and in stores, contributing to a 40% increase in online sales. The new design has also helped the brand prepare for major retail expansion, offering a visually captivating and retail-ready product presentation.


VasConsulting’s comprehensive branding services, including packaging redesign and marketing collateral, have positioned Secret Beauty Club for success in major retail channels and online. Through innovative design, thoughtful customer engagement, and a focus on natural beauty, we helped Secret Beauty Club connect with its audience and achieve significant business growth.

Our A+ Content Design Process

Initial Consultation

We begin with a thorough understanding of your brand and product, discussing goals and requirements.

Content Development

Our team creates compelling copy and designs that highlight your product’s features, benefits, and unique selling points.

Review & Refinement

We collaborate with you to review the content, making adjustments based on your feedback to ensure it meets your vision.

Finalization & Launch

Once approved, we finalize the content and guide you through the process of integrating it into your Amazon listings for maximum impact.


More Case Studies


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